Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business information system Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business information system - Case Study Example The relevance of the case is to show the need for a strong internal control system which will help in fraud detection. It also emphasizes on the need to have a clear separation of duties and responsibilities to ease fraud detection (IT Governance Institute 19). The alternative solution is the implement of a preventive and detective internal control in order to detect fraud and any irregularities. Alternatively, the company should make use of passwords in different departmental systems. Internal control is part of business information systems and is inseparable from technology and this shows how the concepts learned from the course on business information system integrate with technology (IT Governance Institute 19) The case is an indication of ignorance on the part of the company. The company did not frequently check the system to ensure it is strong. The article on the benefits of a strong internal control system from justifies this point of view. There is need to monitor and frequently check the internal control system of any company to ensure no fraudulent or criminal activities takes place. With the rapid change in technology, there is the need to take any necessary measures to enhance security of all systems in the company or for personal

Monday, October 28, 2019

The persuasion used by both Lady Macbeth and the male speakers Essay Example for Free

The persuasion used by both Lady Macbeth and the male speakers Essay Shakespeare portrays Lady Macbeth as a strong, independent character, who employs cunning intellect to manipulate and control her husband and to gain illegitimate power and authority. Using varied techniques, Lady Macbeth predominantly targets Macbeth’s masculinity and likens him to a â€Å"woman†; taunting him in order to provoke the desire to disprove her doubts and assumptions. Macbeth decides not to â€Å"bear the knife† on Duncan, as he is both his is both â€Å"his kinsman and his subject†. Nevertheless, Lady Macbeth shifts the power in their relationship, taking the typically male, authoritative role and persuading Macbeth to â€Å"play false†, using his devotion to her and â€Å"ambition† to fulfil the witches’ prophecies. Lady Macbeth tactically finds similarities between herself and the witches. In doing so, she assures herself that she is too a significant influence and retains substantial authority over Macbeth, where she can analyse his personality and potential. Breaking feminine stereotypes, Lady Macbeth’s character redefines sixteenth century expectations and expresses Tudor â€Å"fears† of women overstepping their â€Å"natural† boundaries. Feminising Macbeth On becoming aware of her new title, thus her potential to greater power, Lady Macbeth begins to rid herself of her feminine attributes and bestows them upon Macbeth in order to persuade him to â€Å"catch the nearest way† and seize the role as king. Nevertheless, as a woman Lady Macbeth lacks the authority and ability to undertake the murder and compensates by rationalising with herself, and her husband, in order to instigate the persuasion necessary for the central murders. She accuses Macbeth to be â€Å"too full o’th’milk of human kindness† implying weakness and absence of â€Å"ambition† to forcefully take the role as king. Macbeth is â€Å"full† of â€Å"milk†, a factor associated with maternity and femininity. In referring to Macbeth as nurturing and feminine, Lady Macbeth undermines her husband’s masculinity and takes the power in the relationship, fuelling her own â€Å"ambition† to become â€Å"unsexed† or masculine, and seizing authority where she can evaluate her husband’s character. As a new mother in the sixteenth century, women would be substantially weakened and susceptible to â€Å"illness† after and during child birth; as a result, would too lack the â€Å"ambition†, to sustain an additional life and feed the child with the â€Å"milk†. Moreover, in making reference to â€Å"milk†, Lady Macbeth insinuates that Macbeth is ‘milky’; a renaissance term used to describe cowards. Having recently returned from battle, Macbeth abolished any â€Å"fear†, to fight in Duncan’s name. Insinuating he is a â€Å"milky† creates further â€Å"ambition† to prove his wife wrong, therefore, in attempt to persuade Macbeth, Lady Macbeth labels him and questions his loyalty to her, his â€Å"dearest partner in greatness†. Anaemia In describing her husband as â€Å"green and pale†, Lady Macbeth continues to criticise and undermine him. Such a pallor would betray green sickness, and in the sixteenth century, more commonly known as hypochromatic anaemia; symptoms included weakness and lack of energy, showing that Lady Macbeth believes her husband to be lacking both the capability and motivation to carry out the murder. Furthermore, the sickness was associated with woman, specifically due to blood loss during childbirth, linking to her previous allusions from Macbeth to a new mother, who would be â€Å"full of..milk†. â€Å"Green† being a colour commonly associated with envy, presents Macbeth as inferior to other men, defying Lady Macbeth’s desire for his superiority and kingship. By revealing her husband’s jealousy- and therefore his insecurity regarding his own influence- Lady Macbeth questions whether he has the qualities required to rule, such as confidence in his own power. Lady Macbeth’s description of her husband is persuasive by routinely emphasising the qualities he lacks and his negative aspects, presenting him as unfit to achieve his destined kingship. â€Å"Take my milk for gall† Although the witches are depicted as the only paranormal beings in the play, Lady Macbeth attempts correlates with the witches’ supernatural mannerism and pleads to the â€Å"spirits†, demanding them to â€Å"take her milk for gall† to further eradicate her femininity and assert her desired power of the supernatural. The meaning of â€Å"take is ambiguous, either implying Lady Macbeth wishes to be rid of the â€Å"milk†, that she perceives as â€Å"gall†, poisoning her with compassion and nurture, hence preventing her from assisting Macbeth in the â€Å"deed†. Moreover, she denotes that her â€Å"gall† is pre-existing in her â€Å"breasts†, suggesting she already holds an element of â€Å"cruelty†, too shown in the witches’ nature. Correlating with the witches, thus convincing herself she is somewhat supernaturally powerful, allows Lady Macbeth to rid herself of any submission shown to Macbeth, as a weak, delicate woman and like the witches, gain supremacy over her husband to then persuade him to â€Å"catch the nearest way†. As a woman, Lady Macbeth would be â€Å"full of milk† appealing to her nurturing attributes and impeding her from committing the â€Å"cruelty† needed to succeed to greater power. She begs the spirits to â€Å"take† her â€Å"milk†, therefore ridding her of her feminine attributes and affection she may have held for her guests, as their â€Å"honoured hostess†, presenting a sense of false hospitality which is also shown in the image of the â€Å"poison chalice†. As his â€Å"kinsman and his subject†, Macbeth offers his hospitality and loyalty to Duncan, represented through the image of the â€Å"chalice†, only to be â€Å"poisoned† by the supernatural expectations and Lady Macbeth’s hunger for superiority. Having plotted against the king, a man appointed by God, Macbeth displays his remaining religious principles, describing Duncan as â€Å"heaven’s cherubin† expressing admiration of Duncan’s leadership and is almost worshipful of him; perhaps in the attempt to save himself from â€Å"deep damnation† that may follow if the supernatural realm should fail him. Nevertheless, as Lady Macbeth gains further influence over him, she alters his â€Å"golden opinions†, turning him into a â€Å"beast† who wholly disregards any respect he had for Duncan. Lady Macbeth further accentuates Macbeth’s negative qualities, such as his indecisive nature and refers to him as â€Å"coward in thine own esteem†, questioning his masculinity and implying he is too afraid to act upon his desire to achieve his destined kingship. Macbeth’s â€Å"esteem† shows his strong desire to be king and how highly he values the crown. Despite his high regard of the crown, Lady Macbeth believes having â€Å"esteem† and â€Å"ambition† within is not enough to gain him the â€Å"ornament of life†; implying the crown â€Å"wouldst be† his greatest asset and achievement. Calling Macbeth a â€Å"coward† further emphasises the struggle Lady Macbeth faces in gaining all of her husband’s loyalty, as he begins to review the Duncan’s â€Å"virtues† and favourable attributes, thus creating doubt in his ability to murder him. However, by stating Macbeth is too afraid to â€Å"catch the nearest way†, Lady Macbeth allows him to deny her initial claim, reinstating his â€Å"hope† of killing the king and deliberately using her doubt to convince him to kill Duncan as he wishes to â€Å"become a man†. Lady Macbeth de-genders The â€Å"strange sisters† being the most powerful influence over her husband, sustains Lady Macbeth’s desire to disassociate herself from gender and be affiliated to the witches’ power. Mid-sixteenth century productions of â€Å"Macbeth†, presented the witches as bearded, powerful characters who consequently opposed their female characteristics. Appearing neither male nor female, grants the witches superiority over Macbeth. They are liberated from the stereotypes of female subordination and expectations of masculinity, like strength and dominance. This gives them freedom and the power to do as they please and therefore dominance over all other beings. To take the authoritative role in the relationship and become equivalent to the witches’ influence, Lady Macbeth begs the spirits to â€Å"unsex† her, removing her feeble, feminine qualities that may â€Å"bring forth† compassion she once had for Duncan, as her guest and subsequently becoming â€Å"more than man†. Employing her new found supremacy over her husband, Lady Macbeth becomes a source of strength and inspiration who â€Å"pours her spirits in thine ear†; an image holding both supernatural and medicinal significance. Most commonly associated with Egyptian healing methods, pouring homeopathic remedies in people’s â€Å"ear†, was thought to heal them of psychological and physical ailments; in Macbeth’s case, his weakness, cautious nature and sentimental attachment to Duncan. On the other hand, the image opposes the concept of healing, due to the supernatural connotations of. Lady Macbeth influences her husband with her corrupt intensions by â€Å"poisoning† him with the â€Å"spirits† who posses her â€Å"gall† and hence eradicating Macbeth’s remaining sentiment possessed for Duncan. Modality When reasoning with herself, Lady Macbeth avoids directly complimenting her husband, and only saunters on the potential that he â€Å"wouldst be great† taking a patronising tone in attempt to draw out his feminine attributes, and disapproval of being seen as inferior to a woman. Macbeth’s own uncertainty is prominent, as he â€Å"fears† the religious and lawful outcome if he â€Å"should fail†. Lady Macbeth is eminently frustrated by his indecisive nature and angst, and with regard to the witches’ prophecies, she specifically highlights Macbeth’s expectations, and too expresses her own doubts in his capability to kill and become king. Lady Macbeth suggests he â€Å"wouldst† be â€Å"highly†, using modal references to imply the possibility of alternative outcomes. In doing so, she taunts him and â€Å"dares† him to oppose her, consequently diminishing her doubts. Furthermore, his expectations were appointed to him by women , the â€Å"strange sisters† whom held power over him and foresaw his fate. Lady Macbeth re-raises the fact he was inferior to them, contributing to his desire to prove her wrong. Cat i’th’adage Heightening his inferiority to Duncan, Lady Macbeth likens him to a â€Å"poor cat i’th’adage†. Using to a common aphorism of the cat who wanted fish but did not want to get wet, expresses Macbeth’s unwillingness to dirty his hands to â€Å"catch the nearest way† and taunts his lack of desire to seize the â€Å"ornament of life†. By calling him â€Å"poor† displays Lady Macbeth’s supercilious demeanour and her value of her power over him, mocking him with pity and encouraging him to ascend to greater power. Describing Macbeth as a â€Å"cat† degrades his status and â€Å"dares† him to oppose her claims, while also alluding to Duncan’s ownership of him. Cats are commonly associated with witchcraft and are under the witches’ power- as is Macbeth, who is under their influence and expectations to consummate the prophecies. Furthermore, cats are easily startled, re-raising Macbeth’s fear and distinc t awareness of the consequences of treason, further accentuating his weakness and lack of â€Å"ambition†.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Power and Control in Dracula :: Dracula Essays

Power and Control in Dracula In the universe, no one being has complete control over another. In Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, God, Dracula, Nature, and Humanity have some form of influence over each other, whether it be direct control or as the instrument through which another must exert its power. In this paper I will examine the ways that power and control are presented in Dracula. One of the main challenges to God's power is Dracula. God does nothing to help the character of Lucy. Why? She has not committed any great sin. Yet she still fall’s prey to Dracula. There are two possible explanations for this: First that God does not have the power to save her from Dracula. Dracula is almost outside of God’s power. Since Dracula has renounced God he (God) no longer has domain over Dracula. Or second, God feels that she is being justly punished for her sins (sins which the reader is never informed of). Lucy is very flirtatious, and possibly she is more promiscuous than we are led to believe. In Francis Ford Coppola’s film version when Lucy and Mina look at the book that shows sexual acts, Lucy states that "people can do that (sexual acts)". Mina then asks Lucy how she knows that people do those sexual acts, and Lucy replies "because I did that last night†¦ my dreams." We assume that she did actually have a dream about the sexual acts, bu t what if she was not telling the truth? Lucy knew that no respectable woman would ever admit to have sexual relations out of wedlock in her time period. She may have been attempting to cover her reputation. It would appear that the most likely of these choices stated before is that God is unable to save the innocent. However, this is not to say that God is powerless. God maintains power over Dracula in several ways: Holy items, such as the crucifix, holy water, and holy wafers repel Dracula. The first time we see Dracula’s reaction is when Jonathan Harker is shaving. Dracula walks up behind Jonathan Harker and sees the crucifix. He is forced to stop looking at the crucifix and he (Dracula) say’s that "our ways are different than that of your England" and "you should not put your faith in such objects of deceit". We see, as Harker does that Dracula has a hatred of God.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Internet :: essays research papers

THE INTERNET   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the last decade the Internet has grown from a dream into the most advanced reality. You can find practically anything you want to on the world's fastest growing tool. Computers are now very advanced and affordable so the Internet is also one of the most widely used tools. Like anything in the world the Internet also has a few bad points, however I think that the good points of the Internet out weigh the bad ones.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  General information can be easily found on any subject with the simple click of the mouse. Many people use the Internet in genealogy research, or track down family or friends on a people search. The Internet can also take the place of a phone book with phone number search engines and yellow page directories. It can also be a great advantage when one is planning to travel; maps are easily accessed, and unlimited research can be done on a destination. One can easily find information on any hobby, and there is usually an Internet club for every hobby imaginable. If one is into games then there are demos for most computer games, or you could even play chess with someone overseas. There are also an unlimited number of personal ads to have fun with or maybe make a new friend. I am a music lover and there are an unlimited number of resources for all types of music. I have downloaded nearly 400 songs from the Internet, and it was all free and legal. If one does not have t ime to go shopping for Christmas there are millions of online stores for any type of gift; there are even online grocery stores. One can search huge databases of used or new cars until they find the one that is right for them. There are also thousands of classified adds to search through if the item one is looking for cannot be bought new or is discontinued. There are even online auctions where one can conveniently buy or sell new or used items. One can even pay their bills online. Of course if one wants to look into a product before they purchase it there are discussion forums on nearly every item. For the business man there are sites to buy, sell, research, or get quotes on one's stocks. All the top news groups have web sites, and there are even weather sites.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Skills & Characteristics of Mental Health Human Services Workers

Personal characteristics of a human services professional can be both essential and detrimental for success. Essential characteristics of a professional do not make the job easier. However, they create a higher tendency for the professional to work successfully with clients. An open-minded professional recognizes differences between themselves and clients. They treat those differences with respect and include them in treatment according to the clients’ desires. Judgment can be appropriate in a human services setting. For example, a counselor may judge a recently relapsed client by revoking privileges within a clinic.Patience is the most essential characteristic. A professional must be able to deal with relapses in negative behavior. They cannot let human weakness impede progress. Professionals who choose the human services field in order to help people make genuine progress with clients. They maintain connections that benefit both parties. Detrimental characteristics of a prof essional do not make the job impossible. However, they can impede a professional’s relationship with their client when unchecked. A narrow-minded professional does not recognize differences between themselves and clients.They assume that differences result from a harmful lifestyle on the clients’ behalf. Judgment becomes inappropriate when it results in ill-informed assessments of the client. For example, judging a mother as incompetent without a full assessment is inappropriate. Impatience from professional to client can cause the professional to rush the clients’ progress. Internalized impatience within the professional can cause a lot of mistakes. Professionals who choose the human services field mainly for money make artificial progress with clients. The quality of their work is usually lacking.On the one hand, understanding both types of characteristics can provide a platform for change. On the other hand, that understanding merely provides a distinction fo r self-limitations. Aspiring professionals need to have or develop specific skills prior to employment in the human services field. Organizational skills are key to updated client information as well as clients themselves. A personal system – however ordered or disordered – must be easy for the aspiring professional to access and peruse. They must be able to find information as soon as they need it for whatever reason.Communication skills are key to creating connections with clients. Active listening includes physically and verbally showing the client that their message is being received. An aspiring professional must be prepared to create a report with their clients. Their ability to communicate effects the process of their relationship. Professional writing is key to documenting communication with and progress of the client. The aspiring professional must be prepared to use this skill daily. Moreover, other professionals may need to understand the writing.So if the a spiring professional uses shorthand, they must be prepared to provide a legend. Basic recognition of symptoms is key to referring clients to other professionals. For example, a nurse who encounters a patient who seems to need a referral to the behavioral health unit. When questioned, he or she must be able to provide specific rather than vague reasons. Safety training is key to effectively responding to emergency situations. Basic firefighting and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) abilities are essential to potential to saving the lives of one’s self, clients, and fellow professionals.Overall, an aspiring professional must understand how to preserve life until more qualified professionals arrive. These specific skills will not only help professionals develop effective, positive relationships with their clients. They will also help professionals overcome personal roadblocks to successfully carrying out their work. Skills become more effective as they develop. Even an aspirin g professional who naturally has these skills can only benefit from continually developing them even after entering the human services field. Primary and secondary education (K-12) teach students organization skills and practices.Aspiring professionals can use these techniques as foundation for adult application. They can take the basic and develop them according to their individual needs. An institution of higher education (i. e. college or university) provides students with in-depth lessons for communication and professional writing skills. They help students work effectively and successfully within a professional setting of various sorts. Many employers in the human services field expect aspiring professionals to have a basic recognition of symptoms as well as safety training.Therefore, many provide continuous training for employees after they have obtained employment. Consistent development of these skills ensures the relevance and ease of their application. It also ensures that the professional will easily recall the lessons when needed. Learning is fundamental, but practice is vital. Actually putting learned lessons to use when applicable ensures ease of use by the professional with continued practice. Constructive criticism measures the effectiveness of practice from an outside point of view. It informs the professional of how their practices are perceived by others.Application of feedback combines learning, practice, and constructive criticism. This assemblage is important to the formation of a successful human services worker with their given field. As long as skills are continually developed within accredited settings, then the specific location of development does not matter. That the skills are developed is most important. Yet, while some aspiring professionals have some difficulty developing these skills, others will have an easier time. They are â€Å"natural born helpers†. â€Å"Natural born helpers† (NBH) exist.An NBH is someone w ith a set of traits that easily lend themselves toward helping others in the human services field. On the one hand, these traits will develop naturally mentally, psychologically, and emotionally as the individual matures into an adult. On the other hand, the environments in which the individual matures can be conducive in the advancement of these traits. An NBH tends to be somewhat sociable. They can be outgoing and conversational when necessary. Active listening is a skill that an NBH naturally has a tendency toward from birth.An NBH usually develops the ability of understanding in their environment because they naturally tend toward it. An NBH is born with the ability to be resourceful then naturally develops it as they mature. An NBH tends to either be aloof or overly-friendly in response to being overloaded with human service-like needs (i. e. counseling). Drama tends to naturally gravitate toward an NBH because their need to help is apparent. The tendency toward helping many pe ople concurrently leaves an NBH with little time for themselves.As a result, an NBH usually has a reputation as being meddlesome. An NBH needs to find a healthy balance between being aloof and friendly with clients. An NBH must learn early on how to tell whether or not they can help someone. Delegating time between self and others is crucial for an NBH in order to maintain healthiness. Finally, the desire to help should never challenge a person’s desire to be left alone. Some people are born with attributes that either make it easier to work as human services professionals or that drive them toward the human services field.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

National Plan Essay

National Plan Essay National Plan Essay A National Plan On April 4, 1808, Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury in the administration of Thomas Jefferson, sent to the Senate his report on roads and canals. It begins with the assertion that " the general utility of artificial roads and canals . . . is universally admitted." The question is, who should build them. In some countries, "these improvements may often, in ordinary cases, be left to individual exertion, without any direct aid from Government." In the American case, two major circumstances," whilst they render the facility of communications throughout the United States an object of primary importance, naturally check the application of private capital and enterprise to improvements on a large scale." The first of these is the relative scarcity of capital. It is much more difficult than in Europe to attract investment by "prospects of remote and moderate profit." The second is " the extent of the territory compared to the population." With a sparse population, local traffic can not be counted on to make profitable a local improvement. In general, a canal will be unproductive unless it opens " a communication with a natural extensive navigation which will flow through that new channel." For this reason, " some works already executed are unprofitable; many more remain unattempt, because their ultimate productive- ness depends on other improvements, too extensive or too distant to be embraced by the same individuals." " The General Government ", declares the Report, "can alone remove these obstacles." Its resources are " amply sufficient for the completion of every practicable improvement." " With these resources, and embracing the whole Union, it will complete on any given line all the improvements, however distant, which may be necessary to render the whole productive, and eminently beneficial." he argument continues: The early and efficient aid of the Federal Government is recommended by still more important considerations. The inconveniences, complaints, and perhaps dangers, which may result from a vast extent of territory, can no otherwise be radically removed or prevented than by opening speedy and easy communications through all its parts. Good roads and canals will shorten distances, facilitate commercial and personal intercourse, and unite, by a still more intimate community of interests, the most remote quarters of the United States. No other single operation, within the power of Government, can more effectually tend to strengthen and perpetuate that Union which secures external in- dependence, domestic peace, and internal liberty. What, then, are the specific objects that on this argument require and justify action by the national government? Gallatin derives his answers from a broad view of the geography of the country. The main problems are to improve communications between the northern and southern states and to bring the settlers beyond the mountains into easy communication with the East. With respect to the former, he points out that the United States possesses" a tide water inland navigation . . . Which, from Massachusetts to the southern extremity of Georgia, is principally, if not solely, Interruptedly four necks of land." The four are Cape Cod, New Jersey between the Raritan and the Delaware, the peninsula between the Del- aware and the Chesapeake, and the "marshy tract, which divides the Chesapeake from Albemarle Sound." These should be cut by canals, which would total less than one hundred miles and would be useful " in peace or war" as protection against " storms and enemies". To this should be add ed " a great turnpike extending from Maine to Georgia . . . passing through all the principal seaports." The problem of communication with the West presents a greater difficulty From New York to southern Georgia; the two great ranges of the Appalachians block the way. " In the present state of science," it is useless to think of crossing them by canals. There are, however, places at

Monday, October 21, 2019

Relationship between Substance Abuse and Personality

Relationship between Substance Abuse and Personality Annotated bibliography Mercer, Deanna, Douglass, Alan B., Links, Paul S. (2009). Meta-Analyses of Mood Stabilizers, Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: Effectiveness for Depression and Anger Symptoms. Journal of Personality Disorders, 23(2), 156-174.Advertising We will write a custom annotated bibliography sample on Relationship between Substance Abuse and Personality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The research implemented by Mercer et al. (2009) aimed at defining whether mood stabilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics are effective for treating anger and depression in patients with borderline personality disorder. The present study was based on the surveys which present validated data. Mercer et al. (2009) reported that mood stabilizers (except divalproic acid and carbamazepine) had quite considerable impact on anger reduction. Antidepressants had smaller, quite sparing, effe ct on both anger and depression reduction whereas antipsychotics had a moderate impact on anger reduction, and did not affected depression. However, Mercer et al (2009) pointed out that their survey did not cover the data of the impact of such substances on patients with alcohol or substance abuse and self-harm behavior. Aharonovich, Efrat, Nguyen, Hueco T., Nunes, Edward V. (2001). Anger and Depressive States among Treatment-Seeking Drug Abusers: Testing the Psychopharmacological Specificity Hypothesis. The American Journal on Addictions, 10(4), 327-334. Aharonovich et al. (2001) researched whether specific type of drugs caused specific disorders in patients with these substances abuse. The researches assumed that due to their different pharmacological properties such drugs as opiates, cocaine, cannabis can produce different effects on abusers’ behavior. The changes in behavior of sixty participants (50 men and 10 women) were studied. Aharonovich et al. (2001) found that the patients’ behavior can be characterized by increased anger and depression. However, the researchers did not reported about the correlation between the type of drugs and precise change in behavior. Though, the survey scored some elevated depression in opiate abusers and elevated anger in cocaine addicts, these data are insignificant to define the correlation between drugs and behavior deviation. Fox, Helen C., Hong, Kwang-lk A., Siedlarz, Kristen, Sinha, Rajita. (2008). Enhanced Sensitivity to Stress and Drug/Alcohol Craving in Abstinent Cocaine-Dependent Individuals Compared to Social Drinkers. Neuropsychopharmacology, 33(4), 796-805.Advertising Looking for annotated bibliography on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fox et al. (2008) surveyed whether there were changes in stress response and craving in patients with substance abuse and patients with alcohol abuse. The behavior of forty people of the former group and forty people of the latter were examined. The participants’ respond to the imaginary stressful and more relaxing situations was observed. The researchers reported that drug abusers are more vulnerable to stress and craving than alcohol abusers. The alcohol addicts revealed considerably moderate response to stress. Thus, the survey suggested that drug addicts’ recovery could be hindered by their increased sensitivity to stress and craving. Mulvey, Edward P., Odgers, Candice, Skeem, Jennifer, Gardner, William, Schubert, Carol, Lidz, Charles. Substance Use and Community Violence:Â  A Test of the Relation at the Daily Level. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(4), 743-754. Mulvey et al. (2006) researched the correlation between the substance (alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, etc.) abuse and violence in patience. The researchers concluded that the use of such substances leads to the increased likelihood of violence. The survey justified that the patients with mental disorders (at a high risk of violent behavior) who took substances like alcohol or drugs revealed increased amount of violent in the following days. The researchers also consider the implications of the use of such substances. Bond, Alyson J., Verheyden, Suzanne L., Wingrove, Janet, Curran, H. Valerie. (2004). Angry Cognitive Bias, Trait Aggression and Impulsivity in Substance Users. Psychopharmacology, 171(3), 331-339. Bond et al (2004) surveyed the correlation between substance abuse (and abuse for methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), in particular) and aggressive behavior. The participants of the research were addicts who took the drugs recently, abusers who did not take drugs for a year, and non-abusers. The participants had to process biased short stories with a key sentence revealing aggression or anger. The researchers concluded that people who took drugs were faster to process aggression biased passages which revealed that they were characterized by an gry cognitive bias. Besides, the researchers did not obtain the evidence of particular impact of MDMA. Thus, the Bond et al. (2004) concluded that drug abusers reveal the presence of angry cognitive biased. Relationship between substance abuse and personality The latest findings on the problem The implication of substance abuse is being extensively surveyed nowadays. Researchers report about the changes of behavior and even personality in substance abusers. Such addicts are characterized by more aggressive behavior and more sensitivity to depression and stress.Advertising We will write a custom annotated bibliography sample on Relationship between Substance Abuse and Personality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Various surveys suggest that drug addicts start playing more active role in the social life, they become distant and even indifferent to the world around them. The main concern of such people is their craving to drugs or alcoh ol. It is necessary to point out that drug abusers are more stressful and aggressive than alcohol addicts. Moreover, drug abusers’ recovery is much more hampered by such behavior changes as aggression, depression, anger and hyper-sensitivity to stress. Difference substances cause the same effect It is necessary to add that there can be no such notion as safer drugs or less harmful alcohol abuse. Different pharmacological peculiarities of such substances as cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana, etc. lead to the same consequences: the change of personality. Of course, apart from psychological deviations any drug abuse can lead to numerous health problems. Any substance abuse affects such important systems as endocrine vascular. The risk group adolescent drug abusers It is essential to point out that substance abuse in adolescents is even more dangerous since the organism is still growing and is more subjected to various factors. There can be no surprise that adolescent drug abusers are more subjected to the changes in behavior. Aggression, violence or depression can affect greatly the development of personality. Thus, the use of drugs is unacceptable for people of all ages, but especially for adolescents. Conclusion In conclusion, it is possible to note that drug abuse causes severe changes in behavior (or even change of personality), and various serious health problems, irrespective of drugs pharmacological peculiarities. It is also necessary to point out that the drug abuse in young people leads to more serious mental and other health problems. Reference Aharonovich, Efrat, Nguyen, Hueco T., Nunes, Edward V. (2001). Anger and Depressive States among Treatment-Seeking Drug Abusers: Testing the Psychopharmacological Specificity Hypothesis. The American Journal on Addictions, 10(4), 327-334. Bond, Alyson J., Verheyden, Suzanne L., Wingrove, Janet, Curran, H. Valerie. (2004). Angry Cognitive Bias, Trait Aggression and Impulsivity in Substance Users. Psychopharm acology, 171(3), 331-339.Advertising Looking for annotated bibliography on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fox, Helen C., Hong, Kwang-lk A., Siedlarz, Kristen, Sinha, Rajita. (2008). Enhanced Sensitivity to Stress and Drug/Alcohol Craving in Abstinent Cocaine-Dependent Individuals Compared to Social Drinkers. Neuropsychopharmacology, 33(4), 796-805. Mercer, Deanna, Douglass, Alan B., Links, Paul S.. (2009). Meta-Analyses of Mood Stabilizers, Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: Effectiveness for Depression and Anger Symptoms. Journal of Personality Disorders, 23(2), 156-174. Mulvey, Edward P., Odgers, Candice, Skeem, Jennifer, Gardner, William, Schubert, Carol, Lidz, Charles. Substance Use and Community Violence:Â  A Test of the Relation at the Daily Level. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(4), 743-754.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

On the origin of speaking - Emphasis

On the origin of speaking On the origin of speaking Last Thursday marked the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin: an event that did not go uncelebrated at Emphasis HQ. And even as we hung the streamers and tied up the balloons we were silently thanking the birthday boy for explaining the opposable thumbs that allowed us to do it. I mean, of course, his theory of natural selection: that particular cause of evolution that pits genes in competition with each other so that organisms can win the reproduction war, becoming increasingly sophisticated in tiny increments along the way. The roots and evolution of language have proved trickier to reconcile with Darwins magnum opus. The fact that humans happily chat away from an early age while chimps our closest relatives in the animal kingdom stay stoically silent has led to doubts on the subject. Possible suggestions for our capacity for communication are as varied as Divine bestowment or a coincidental by-product of some other adaptation process. (For example, bones are white not for aesthetic reasons but because they are strengthened with calcium. Which is white.) But theres hope yet for hard-line Darwinist linguists. Steven Pinker suggests humans have a language instinct, * which has been gradually honed for 200,000 years: this explains why children begin to pick up pretty complex grammar before they even go to school; why every community and tribe ever discovered has a stable language with regulated grammar and syntax; and why even people deaf from birth include these features in their sign language. And we cant possibly learn it by rote since it is virtually limitless: we can use it to form endlessly innovative combinations of words. Theres no reason to expect chimps to have this innate ability (tea adverts aside) because we are not descended from them directly: we share a common (extinct) ancestor. Developing our brains in this unique way is no odder, Pinker points out, than an elephant developing a trunk. In business, out-performing your rivals is still vital for survival. So were here to help your writing evolve: we like to think of ourselves as the winning gene. And hopefully that Darwin would be proud. * For more on this see Steven Pinker The Language Instinct (Penguin Books Ltd 1994)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

It's organizational leadership , How to convince and get people's Essay

It's organizational leadership , How to convince and get people's trusts so that they will follow me and my instruction - Essay Example Debatably, proficiency with a prominent vision is one of the most crucial aspects in getting people’s attention. People will give credit to an individual if impressed by the person’s capability to overcome unexpected circumstances. Heathfield (2013) asserts that in order to follow a leader, individuals must be confident with the course which the leader pursues. This ability will assist in consolidating people together into a group with similar objectives, which will result to company success. Needless to say, the subordinates will follow the leader’s instructions entirely. For instance, Steve Job’s leadership qualities allow cultivation of innovation capabilities among his employers, which ensures production of new company products such as computers and cell phones, company progress and customer satisfaction. Additionally, personality is extremely imperative to a leader. This is all about human’s common sense that determines which is right and wrong. Therefore, people can judge whether a person is outstanding or not. In this regard, individuals with a good personality can gather numerous people as their followers. Arguably, the society will love their personalities, follow them and obey their instructions. In essence, â€Å"the leader needs to have an attractive character combined with a pleasing behavior that leaves a lasting impression† (Cheng, 2010). For instance, Mother Teresa is one of the prominent examples of a great leader who expressed outstanding personality of helping impoverished children, people, and society. Until today, everyone still remembers her as a one of the great people in history. She is a leader who made people follow her attitude by doing great things. It’s difficult to attract people to follow what one does. However, if an individual has a prominent vision and expertise, it marks the first step to having followers.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing 'Fifteen' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing 'Fifteen' - Essay Example Graph 1 – Mintzberg’s ten managerial roles (Source: Through the above graph, the following issues are made clear: a) a manager’s role can be quite demanding, being related to a series of requirements that are not easy to be met, b) the high performance of a manager in one of each category’s subsections can hide the potential weaknesses of the manager in regard to the other sections of the same category; c) a manager need to be able to develop simultaneously a series of activities, keeping a balance between the internal and the external environment of the organization. The roles of Jamie Oliver, as manager in Fifteen, could be evaluated using the Mintzberg’s model as follows: A) Informational; a1) monitor: Jamie is continuously informed on the developments of the food industry, meaning not just new ingredients or recipes but also on new trends in regard to food preferences; at the same time, he has managed to develop an extended chain of supporters/ strategic alliances. They were these persons that have helped Jamie in the establishment of Fifteen and, further, in the expansion of the business, as also revealed in the case study, a2) disseminator; in the case of Fifteen, the ability of Jamie to pass information to others has been verified; Jamie has been able to act as a mentor for trainees helping them to understand the needs and demands of the food industry; a3) spokesperson; Jamie has successfully promoted Fifteen through the media; in fact, the particular project has been presented to the public through a TV-series that had the characteristics of a reality show. Through Fifteen, the exceptional skills of Jamie in acting as a spokesperson have been made clear; b) Interpersonal; b1) figurehead; Jamie is characterized by high enthusiasm and passion for his job; developing events for attracting more visitors to the restaurant has been one of Jamie’s st rategies for making Fifteen popular to the public; b2) leader; Jamie has managed to transfer to trainees much of his knowledge on food preparation and food quality; in addition, by providing to trainees an example of daily behaviour in the workplace, he has managed to gain their trust and respect; b3) liaison; as noted in the case study, Jamie has monitored the trends and developments of the food industry and has transferred the above information to trainees acting as a liaison between the internal and external environment; c) Decisional; c1) entrepreneur; developing a business project in the context of the modern market can be a risky activity, especially if taking into consideration the current crisis (World Bank 2010); Jamie has been able to take the relevant risk measuring the profits and benefits expected but also the resources required; his estimations were proved as accurate, despite the turbulences in the UK market; as noted in the case study, Jamie decided to cover a key pa rt of the project using ‘his own money’ (case study, p.1); c2) disturbance handler, during the development of the project Jamie had to respond to a series of problems, including the lack of experience of individuals involved, the lack of

Written Evaluation of a Patient Education Tool for an adult with an Essay

Written Evaluation of a Patient Education Tool for an adult with an acute or chronic alteration in health status - Essay Example There are, however, many applicable tools for patient education and the characteristics of each tool together with its advantages and disadvantages and the nature of the target patient or patient population are instrumental in determining suitability of a patient education tool. A patient’s age or literacy level, for example, determines effectiveness of a tool towards awareness creation. The aim of this paper is to evaluate a handout used for patient education for an adult with asthma. Introduction of the tool: Handout A hand out refers to a written material, in a print format, which is offered to an audience free of charge. It aims at communicating purposeful information to the audience and is therefore audience specific. It is a commonly applied tool in patient education and is distributed at strategic points in health care facilities. Handouts are majorly intended to create awareness, among patients, on preventive and management strategies for eliminating diseases or managi ng their impacts and the management aspect is very instrumental to adult patients with chronic diseases because their conditions requires effective, and for efficiency, self-reliant managerial approaches. The document, ‘Asthma’s impacts on the nation: Data from the CDC national asthma control program,’ is an example of handout that facilitates awareness on asthma, a chronic disease. The handout is authored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a national agency in the department of health in the USA. It is available in the internet but can easily be accessed in print form and disseminated to target audience such as attendants to a health care’s department of chronic diseases or in consultation rooms for asthma patients (IHS, n.d.; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). The tool’s design incorporates graphics with colors and pictures that facilitate its effectiveness by drawing and retaining audience’s attention. It fu rther identifies major points by isolating them in side boxes and using numerical and imagery representations to distinguish them. The handout also represents information in summarized point forms and this identifies clarity towards effective communication of the intended message. It is also relatively brief and is organized into headings. While it’s short length avoids monotony and therefore allows for audience concentration in reading the entire document, organization of information by titles that are further printed in bold identifies the tool’s content and therefore facilitate the intended educational objective for each section. The handout’s level of precision also identifies its efficiency because the bulleted points are conspicuous. The tool’s content defines asthma, and identifies symptoms, known causes, and its significance in the society. It further explores strategies for preventing and managing asthmatic conditions and risk factors. The handou t further explores the scope of asthma in the society by examining level of awareness and active participation in management initiatives among children and adults (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). Intended Audience The tool is appropriate for the adult population that is literate and is rational. Even though it is specific on a type of disease, asthma, the handout is appropriate for the entire literate population because of its significance to both those who are suffering from the chronic disease, and those who are affected by the disease. The affected population includes family members of those who suffer from this disorder and they may derive sufficient knowledge for helping asthma patients to manage their conditions effectively. The same significance applies to friends and even the society and allows for assistance

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Is succession planning a neccessity every small to medium family Essay

Is succession planning a neccessity every small to medium family business should face - Essay Example In pursue well be the limitation of the research and a summary with recommendations. Berenbein (1990) asserts that it is necessary for each organization to anitcipate its succession plan, and be able to acknowledge its reality. SMEs have ben particularly interested in this area of research, focusing on the ‘heir’ who shall take on the leadership of the enterprise in the next generation. The current results show that there are no significant, drastic changes behind the past and current leadership of Company XY. The same issues that confront old leadership have remained the same issues for the new leadership. While such a smooth transition has been possible, there were certain issues that surfaced from the qualitative data. Davis (1983) has effective succession is a tricky issue, in lieu of the fact that it requires something more profound than change in structure; instead, it requies change in the norms and values of the organization – on other words, it requires cultural change. One manager of Company XY even commented, â€Å"The initial difficulty of senior management to adjust to the new president’s leadership lies in the culture itself. They have gotten used to the norms of the old president; however, there have been so many changes that speak of new ways of doing things. The new president advocates a new set of norms. That took some time to get used to, especially among us old guards.† Kuratko & Hodgetts (in Kuratko, 1993) has provided a critique of the tactics used to undertake succession planning. Those that were determined encompassed comprehending â€Å"the contextual as ­pects such as time, type of venture, managerial capabilities, and environ ­ment; identifying succession qualities such as technical skills, business knowl ­edge, perseverance, etc., and carrying out the succession plans which includes the grooming and preparation of a suc ­cessor.† (p. 23). Because the

Questions to solve belongs control and instrumentation Coursework

Questions to solve belongs control and instrumentation - Coursework Example . The characteristic equation will be  The critical gain of the system indicates the stability of a closed loop system developed by applying unit feedback to (Klee & Allen, 2011). The gain margin represents the increase or decrease needed to make the loop gain where the frequency is -180 degrees. Discreet time systems are characterized by difference equations. Examples of these are economic systems where the system behavior is recognized at discrete points of periods (Liu & Wang, 2012). Conversely in the system, some of the signals are continuous while others are discreet. Some discreet time signal arises from the continuous signals via sampling. Digital computers accept signals on discreet points of period so that samplers transforms continuous time signal into discreet time signal. i) The derivative control increases the damping of the system. The derivative term also increases the present noise which can easily cause instability. Assuming the functions of closed transfer are outlined as shown, The integral affects the gain of low frequency and alters the frequency where proportional factor becomes more effective. It would be best to raise KI, but when it gets higher a more negative stage is introduces in the range at a place where the servo bandwidth results. This lowers the phase margin of servo, causing ringing and overshoots. As shown below Ziegler Nichols and Modified Ziegler Nichols are tuning methods for PID. Ziegler Nichols uses the procedures of selecting proportional controls alone, increases the proportional gain until instability is attained. In addition, it measures the oscillation period to come up with critical time constant. For certain control loops the oscillation measure, offered by  ¼ decay ratios and their large overshoots for point alterations are not desired therefore, the modified Z-N is used (Olsson, 2002). The Z-N method does not give the final solution when compared to the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Is succession planning a neccessity every small to medium family Essay

Is succession planning a neccessity every small to medium family business should face - Essay Example In pursue well be the limitation of the research and a summary with recommendations. Berenbein (1990) asserts that it is necessary for each organization to anitcipate its succession plan, and be able to acknowledge its reality. SMEs have ben particularly interested in this area of research, focusing on the ‘heir’ who shall take on the leadership of the enterprise in the next generation. The current results show that there are no significant, drastic changes behind the past and current leadership of Company XY. The same issues that confront old leadership have remained the same issues for the new leadership. While such a smooth transition has been possible, there were certain issues that surfaced from the qualitative data. Davis (1983) has effective succession is a tricky issue, in lieu of the fact that it requires something more profound than change in structure; instead, it requies change in the norms and values of the organization – on other words, it requires cultural change. One manager of Company XY even commented, â€Å"The initial difficulty of senior management to adjust to the new president’s leadership lies in the culture itself. They have gotten used to the norms of the old president; however, there have been so many changes that speak of new ways of doing things. The new president advocates a new set of norms. That took some time to get used to, especially among us old guards.† Kuratko & Hodgetts (in Kuratko, 1993) has provided a critique of the tactics used to undertake succession planning. Those that were determined encompassed comprehending â€Å"the contextual as ­pects such as time, type of venture, managerial capabilities, and environ ­ment; identifying succession qualities such as technical skills, business knowl ­edge, perseverance, etc., and carrying out the succession plans which includes the grooming and preparation of a suc ­cessor.† (p. 23). Because the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Week 4 - Assignment Example Policy is a set of principles or ideas which act as a guide in the process of decision making. Proper policy in the healthcare has a direct influence to each citizen’s daily life. There is a great need for a good review on health policies for the sake of public safety. There are several processes that must be put into consideration to turn the topic of health care into a policy. This involves the different stages which need to be addressed for a given topic to reach a policy status in the health care system. The prior stages include formulation stages, legislation stage and implementation stage. In this paper, evaluation stage, analysis and revision stages which are mandatory in policy making would be defined and discussed (Ubokudom, 2012). Each stage has its vital importance since infant health is a big consumer of the health care department. New topics and ideas undergo several transitions and phases before policy implementation. In any institution, there are individuals who have the responsibility of brainstorming and implementing new topics and ideas for a better safe and easier policy. The paper also presents a framework for discussing the key questions which require answers for a better-informed decision when coming up with a new policy. It is also crucial for policy makers and administrators to identify the knowledge needed in decision making in regard to both new and existing programs (Kronenfeld, 2002). Evaluation stage is the overall effective assessment planning process in policy making after implementation process. It involves the estimated reward from various calculated opportunities and alternatives face comparisons together with the associated risk estimations. The stage of evaluation can only occur in a fertile ground. It is made to ensure the functionality of the policy. In this case, the key actors appreciate the analysis and use it for the correct decision-making process. An active discussion is also needed

Special Education Teacher Essay Example for Free

Special Education Teacher Essay Passion and compassion two words with very different meanings, but for me, one is the driving force behind my determination to teach. It’s been a long and winding road for me to reach this point of my life, and for me to discover my true destiny to be a teacher. It is now that I realize that my compassion for children is what will strengthen my teaching aptitude and the combination of my education and compassion make me a qualified candidate for any teaching position. In short, my compassion for children is what drives my passion to teach. As I consider the road that is ahead of me, I am thrilled with excitement and eager to explore the many opportunities that lay ahead of me. Most of all, I am passionate about the structure of my future classroom and objectives I plan to tackle in my future career. I feel I owe my students the best possible upbringing and education. They deserve a stimulating and supportive environment that brings out the best in them. I want to encourage my students to broaden their imaginations and reach for goals they considered unattainable. I will strive to instill morals in my students and encourage them to treat each other and their community with respect and understanding. My students will be my primary responsibility their needs will be placed before my own and their development will be my priority. Before we can know where we are going, we must first know where we came from, and the same is true for the educational field. While I am striving for excellence in my career, I must educate myself on the strides my field has made throughout history. Vital lessons can be learned from our nation’s history and the mistakes made in the past. I must reflect on these past strides the educational field has made and continue to look forward. At the same time, I will be able to identify potential regressions the field is trending. I know I can make not only make an impact in the lives of my own students, but in the lives of students everywhere if I stand firm in my beliefs and fight for equality and justice of all children and demand that they be granted all the opportunity to achieve their dreams. Following current political and economic issues affecting education will allow me to understand the direction the field is heading and make educated opinions and allow me to make a stand for what I so passionately believe in, and my involvement in these issues will ensure the educational field will continue to progress. At the same time, identifying and addressing current issues confronting education will empower me to make the proper steps in my quest and further educate me. These current issues will explain to me which groups of children are being neglected or offended by our public education system and pinpoint which matters I need to fight for or against. The important key is education; I need to be educated in education. To do this, I will continue my education after receiving my bachelor’s degree. If I fail to do so, I will be failing innocent children and depriving them of their right to a quality education. I will also attend all school board meetings and be voice for these children in my community. I will also continue to vote in state and federal elections in hope that I may make a difference concerning these issues and so I can change the lives of children nationally. One of the issues confronting education that I am most passionate about is the amount of government involvement allowed in our school systems. Since education is a major focus in the nation’s politics and recipient of federal and state funding, the government naturally enforces strict regulations and guidelines on our school systems. While the degree of this federal involvement varies, the most common obstacle teachers are forced with in this regard is standardized testing. Personal opinion on the matter aside, the fact of the matter is that today’s children must be able to show their knowledge and understanding through this type of assessment. Elected officials have deemed these topics and concepts vital to the development of our nation and the assessment of my students will essentially become the assessment of my school and most importantly, myself as a professional. One of my main focuses in the classroom will be to prepare my students for these standardized tests, academically and mentally. I will vary my approaches in teaching these central concepts in anticipation of reaching a greater sense of understanding for all my students in hopes that they will then succeed on such assessments. While not all will positively respond to the method of testing, I must encourage them to do their very best and attempt to prepare them for this method of testing. I will practice this method of assessment with my students prior to the official testing so they may feel comfortable with the method of assessment and feel less stressed on test day. Regardless of the result of the tests, I will determine what makes a successful school year and I will continually support my student’s learning and be proud of them for all of their already tremendous accomplishments. I will provide each student with the level of support and understand they will need to guarantee an overall successful school year. Furthermore, to become more experienced and a more informed student of education, I dedicate myself to a minimum of thirty hours to participating in K-12 classroom field experience. I will partner with the leaders in the career field and analyze their instruction, relationships and classroom management strategies to gain insight into the field and take away from the experience their best practices so I may be better prepared for my students. I will approach each day with my mentor as the exceptional opportunity is it. I will enter the classroom each time with a new objective I intend to accomplish and will cherish each second I’m able to spend in the classroom. Not every career enables their freshmen professionals the ability to have immediate hands-on experience; this opportunity is truly a rarity and such a blessing. This allows me the chance to learn from quality observation of senior educators and interactions with children in the same setting I expect to one day teach in. I will also be able to share in the instruction of these students and experience the joy when they grasp new concepts and understand the fundamentals. This precious time will provide me with a background that no classroom can provide me and allow me to refer back to these moments when I have a classroom of my own. In addition to analyzing my mentor teacher’s classroom management and relationships, I will also evaluate his or her usage of modern technology in the classroom. After all, modern technology has taken this country by storm; virtually every profession has been influenced by technology and education is no exception. To be successful educator in the twenty-first century, I must be willing to embrace technology and explore options as to how I can incorporate technology into my classroom and lesson plans. My students will benefit from my use of new tools such as smart boards or PowerPoint presentations or Webquest online lesson plans I will prepare for them. My main goal in teaching is making my students respectable and productive members of society, and in order to be productive in today’s age, my students will need to have some technological literacy. While I don’t anticipate them word processing homework assignments, I do expect to explore advances in technology together and I will teach them how to use these advances to their advantage. I must remain up-to-date in the latest developments and learn how I can effectively incorporate technology into my classroom and still remain a student focused atmosphere. I need to able to showcase my ability to embrace technology and my creativity and organization to potential employers so they may be able to develop a firm understanding of my capabilities. One ingenious way to do just this is to create a website portfolio to demonstrate these abilities, along with my teaching philosophy, experience, growth and potential as an educator. I intend to treat this portfolio as a working resume and will constantly keep it current. However, to set my portfolio apart, aside from my extraordinary qualities and capabilities, I plan to entitle a section of my portfolio specifically for the parents of my students to track their child’s activities, learning and progress in my classroom. I welcome as much parental involvement in my classroom as possible, and so I am always considering any additional ways I can allow my parents to be in touch with their child and I think a special section on my website portfolio is perfect. This way the parents can learn more about me personally as a person and teacher so they may feel more comfortable with me and my position as their child’s educator. My biggest challenge in all this will be balancing all my aspirations to become a well-rounded and successful teacher. I will never be perfect and will continuously be learning to better myself for the sake of my students. I plan to grow and develop just as much as my students do each year. I bravely accept this challenge and believe I am more than capable to conquer any obstacle that comes my way. I refuse to allow anything to inhabit my students from becoming successful citizens or degrading my classroom climate, and I am fully prepared to fight for my students’ futures. It is this compassion for my students and my passion for their success that makes me an asset to any school district and a blessing to a child and above all, an exceptional teacher.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Racial Or Nationality Subcultures

Racial Or Nationality Subcultures In any society there are not only cultures, but also a variety of subculture and countercultures that develop within society. Subcultures and countercultures are formed by generalizations, occupation, class, lifestyle, likes, dislikes, etc. [1] Basically subculture is a group of people that belong to larger culture but differentiate from that. In early 1950s, there has been a distinction between an accepted majority style and a subculture as an active minority style. Dick Hebdige criticize that a subculture is subversion to normality. Subcultures have a nature of criticism and can be perceived as negative. Subcultures get together those individuals who feel neglected and allow them to develop a sense of identity. [2] A sociological term used to describe the values and norms of behavior of a cultural group is term as counterculture .In counterculture a group whose behavior deviates from the societal norm. Although distinct countercultural undercurrents have existed in many societies, here the term refers to a more significant, visible phenomenon that reaches critical mass and persists for a period of time. It is important to distinguish between counterculture, and subculture. [3] Subculture A subculture is a group of individuals that do share some qualities that the majority of society share, but the group has its own values, beliefs, norms, behavior, etc. Subcultures tend to be created when society endures problems or enjoys common privileges. Most individuals within a subculture have common interests and beliefs. Types of subculture   Following are the major types of subculture. Organizational Culture A type of subculture that allows members to have solidarity, community, and social relationships that influence individual behavior. It is the way an organization deals with the environment.   Counterculture It is a type of subculture that completely disregards societys norms and values and creates new ones. They tend to develop when people will not conform to the mainstream.   They have their own beliefs, problems with cultural integration, and have their own material culture. [1] Racial or nationality subcultures These subcultures tend to vary in their values, ambition and beliefs which get reflected in their consumption priorities, spend save patterns, purchase behavior, use of credit, social traditions and customs etc.Nowadays multiracial societies like America comprised of citizens who come from different nationalities or belong to different races. Religious subcultures: Most societies of the world today consist of people subscribing to different religions, which may differ in their beliefs, values and customs. The religious subgroups may follow different custom, have important rites of passage (like birth, marriage and death) performed in different ways and have different festivals. [4] Counter culture vs. Sub culture Counterculture can be defined as a group whose behavior deviates from the societal norm. It is different to the mainstream culture in their politics, norms, social beliefs, and way of dress and social structures. (or) A counter culture is one that reacts against the prevailing culture in place. Example: Throughout the last century examples of counterculture might be the suffragettes, the green movement, polygamists and feminists, punk movement and the infamous hippie counterculture movement of the 1960s, are formed and exist to oppose the dominant culture. All of these counter cultures have specific beliefs and values that cause social change. Counter cultures are large movements that cause social change. Counter cultures are against mainstream culture.[5] Members of a counterculture come together around their desire to reject movements within the larger, dominant culture. While members have this opposition in common, they may not share religious or political affiliations, similar socioeconomic situations, or values. Countercultures can be both negative and positive. They can also become larger when more people are involved and assimilate into the mainstream just as subcultures in general have this potential.[6] Biker Gangs, drug users, career criminals, prisoners, and terrorists have in common that they all have negative perceptions from society and are countercultures. [7] Subculture A sub culture can have its own beliefs, norms and values, but they are generally able to exist within mainstream culture. Their beliefs or manner of being may be different enough to make them stand out, but they are not at odds with society. Subculture is a culture shared and actively participated in by a minority of people within a broader culture. Examples: sub cultures might be Goths, emos, surfies, homies etc. Jews and Tea Party members are both examples of subcultures in the U.S. While the Jewish subculture is based around shared religious values, the Tea Party movement was primarily founded around dissatisfaction with the political status. Sub cultures tend to also share common interests and experience. Sub cultures can exist within mainstream culture.[5] Sub cultures are united by common aesthetics, interests and experience. Subcultures are distinctive segments of the larger culture of a region or society that are marked by shared interests in music or cultural phenomena, membership in a specific ethnic or religious group, or shared socioeconomic status. While some subcultures exist in contradistinction to the societys dominant culture, others exist harmoniously within it. Subcultures incorporate large parts of the broader cultures of which they are part, but in specifics they may differ radically. Subcultures bring together like-minded individuals who feel neglected by societal standards and allow them to develop a sense of identity. Subcultures can be distinctive because of the age, ethnicity, class, location, and/or gender of the members. [6] The qualities that determine a subculture as distinct may be linguistic, aesthetic, religious, political, sexual, geographical or a combination of factors. They certainly play an important role in any individual life and help to explain how each person develops a frame of reference. [7] Everybody has their own perceptions on society, values, and life in general. Values, attitudes, gestures, and sanctions tend to stem from the dominant culture in ones life. Throughout the dominant culture that a person spends his or her time in learning and changing through different experiences many subcultures have developed. Subcultures allow people, who share similar interests to assimilate, socialize, gives them a sense of belonging and fellowship among peers. [8] Similarities Countercultures and subcultures both identify themselves in juxtaposition to the dominant culture of a society. Members usually dress and behave in different ways than average citizens of a society and are usually identifiable by their different appearances. Differences Culture is made up of an amalgamation of subcultures. So, a single subculture is a small segment of the larger culture, which is usually defined by shared socioeconomic status or a common cultural interest. A counterculture, on the other hand, is defined by their opposition to the dominant culture. A member of a counterculture may oppose the prevailing cultures values. Or, it could just oppose certain segments of the culture, or certain subcultures. A subculture is differs slightly from the dominant culture in a society, while a counterculture opposes the culture or subculture itself.[6] Literature review Dick Hebdige argued that a subculture is subversion to normality. Subcultures tend to be perceived as negative and have a nature of criticism. [9] According to Hebdige, subcultures are actually an alternative and reconfiguration of the dominant cultures. As his all very brief references to black and West Indian cultures suggest that he considers these cultures to be transplanted dominant cultures within British society. This misrepresentation raises the question of whether ethnic groups or minorities fit into Hebdiges notion of what constitutes either a parent culture or subculture. [10] According to Wolfgang Ferracuti, subculture is a normative system of some group or groups smaller than the whole society .This implies that there are value judgments or a social value system which is apart from and a part of a central value system. But a subculture is only partly different from the larger culture, and cannot be totally different from the culture of which it is a part; otherwise it is what Wolfgang called contra culture. This implies that the subculture has some major values in common with the dominant parent culture. The transmission of sub cultural values involves a learning process that establishes a dynamic lasting linkage between the values and the individuals .But also important to Wolfgangs subculture of violence theory is the notion that people may be born into a subculture. They argue that the black subculture actually values violence and that it is an integral component of the subculture which experiences high rates of homicide. Just as the dominant society punishes those who deviate from its norms, deviance by the comparatively non-violent individual from the norms of the violent subculture is likewise punished, either by being ostracized, or treated with disdain or indifference. Also, the more a person is integrated into this subculture, the more intensely he embraces its prescriptions of behavior, its conduct norms, and integrates them into his personality. The subculture of violence theory might be even more relevant today than it was when it was first published, especially with regard to juvenile crime. It seems to be a common fear that adolescents today are more violent and lacking in empathy than those of only a generation or two ago. Parker (1989) criticisms of the black subculture of violence model are many: First, the use of global indicators describing an entire class of people, southerners or blacks, assumes that these communities are homogeneous in values and lifestyle, an assumption that is clearly false for any group as large as these groups. Second, particularly in the case of blacks, it entails an implicit pejorative indictment of urban minority residents and communities, which is unfair and racist in nature. Finally this approach ignores the role of institutionalized racism itself in producing a link between violence and racial composition. Wolfgangs subculture of violence theory has had its share of critics. Erlanger (1974), Parker (1989), Shihadeh and Steffensmeier (1994), are just a few of the investigators who have failed to find the theory useful in explaining sub cultural violence. Other authors have found that the sub-culture of violence theory is a useful model, particularly when it is used along with other theories Benedict and Baron. Kennedy and Baron call for such an integrative approach, and assert that often, different theories may complement one another. Finally, still other researchers continue to rely upon the model. 11] Scholars differ in the characteristics and specificity they attribute to counterculture. Counterculture might oppose mass culture, or middle-class culture and values. Counterculture is sometimes conceptualized in terms of generational conflict and rejection of older or adult values. It typically involves criticism or rejection of currently powerful institutions, with accompanying hope for a better life or a new society. Countercultures tend to peak, and then go into decline, leaving a lasting impact on mainstream cultural values. Their life cycles include phases of rejection, growth, partial acceptance and absorption into the mainstream. According to Sheila Whiteley, recent developments in sociological theory complicate and problematize theories developed in the 1960s, with digital technology, for example, providing an impetus for new understandings of counterculture. Andy Bennett writes that despite the theoretical arguments that can be raised against the sociological value of counterculture as a meaningful term for categorizing social action, like subculture, the term lives on as a concept in social and cultural theory to become part of a received, mediated memory.[12] Conclusion The term counter-culture is not entirely an adequate way of describing all of the changes that took place for several reasons: some changes were a progression of events throughout the century, other changes were due to scientific discoveries which have always produced new ideas and ways of looking at the world, and many changes can be better described as movements or ideologies.[14] Subcultures allow people, who share similar interests to assimilate, socialize, gives them a sense of belonging and fellowship among peers. Sub cultural studies often involve participant-observation, and may variously emphasize sociological, anthropological, or semiotic analysis in order to address the organization and production of relational, material, and symbolic structures and systems. [15] Suggestion Healthy sub-cultures share leaderships conceptualizations of how tasks should be accomplished; how employees can advance and take on greater responsibility; how employees interact with each other; the ways in which change is accepted and accomplished; and how new knowledge is acquired and perpetuated. Distinct, healthy sub-cultures are organizationally aligned in their understanding of how they must perform to produce successful and acceptable results and outcomes. Leaders actively seeking to influence their organizations culture must consider sub-cultures. The major point here is to make sure that you are integrating and linking your sub-cultures into the broader, intended cultural objectives. Accept and foster productive sub-cultures while consistently communicating how employees must perform in order for the organization to be successful.[13]

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Significance of the Congo River in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Heart Darkness essays

Significance of the Congo River in Heart of Darkness          The Significance of the Congo River For Marlow, the journey on the Congo River is one of the most difficult and ominous journeys he will ever take. The fact that it takes him around and not completely into the jungle is significant of Marlow's psychological journey as well. He never really goes on land but watches the shore from the outside. The only time he goes on shore he finds a wasteland. For Marlow the jungle of the Congo is representative of evil that man is capable of. In Heart of Darkness, it seems that the further Marlow travels into the jungle, the deeper he looks into himself. All this time is spent on the Congo River as he looks from the outside. This is symbolic as he is looking at his soul from the outside but never really sees himself until he goes on land to get Kurtz. When he arrives on land is symbolic of when he looks the deepest into himself. He goes to find Kurtz on his deathbed and is given he choice to take over for him as a god among an African tr ibe. Marlow is faced with the ultimate choice between good and evil. For a moment it is uncertain what choice Marlow will make. But, unlike Kurtz, Marlow picks the good over evil, as he rescues Kurtz back to the steamer. The fact that Marlow sailed along the Congo River, around the jungle, and not actually into the jungle is an important symbol also. Marlow never walks the path that Kurtz did to self-destruction. He went around the jungle to avoid getting captured by evil. Kurtz was a decent Englishman until he gave into the desires of his heart of darkness. Kurtz spent all his time in the jungle and eventually forgot all of his self-control, manners, and upbringing. He truly looked in the deepest part of himself and found that his evil desires would reign. This is symbolic because he was deep inside the jungle. In this respect Conrad uses to men to show the reader both the good and bad of humankind. He shows the true evil and good that man is capable of If proper restr aints had been there would Kurtz have done things differently?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Emily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for Death Essay -- Emily Di

Emily Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" In Emily Dickinson’s â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death â€Å" (448), the speaker of the poem is a woman who relates about a situation after her death. The speaker personifies death as a polite and considerate gentleman who takes her in a carriage for a romantic journey; however, at the end of this poem, she finishes her expedition realizing that she has died many years ago. The poem contains six quatrains, and does not follow any consistent rhyme scheme. Every line starts with a strong beat and ends up with a weak beat. The first and third lines in each stanza have iambic tetrameter, but the second and fourth lines do not contain any consistent meter. The feet generate a rhythm the following way. Bevcause/ Iv | could/ notV | stop/ | forv Death/ Hev kind/lyv | stopped/ | forv me/ This rhythm mimics the sound of horses’ hooves on the ground. Emily Dickinson correlates the speaker’s expression of her journey â€Å"toward Eternity-â€Å"(l. 24) with horses’ hoofed feet in her allegory (Class note). In the first stanza, she begins her journey with a refined gentleman named Death who takes her in the carriage. Even though in the first line â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death† (l. 1), the poet gives us a hint of the speaker's disappearance in the world, the speaker thinks that she is still alive. The poet chooses a special term â€Å"Immortality† (l. 4) to show that at the beginning of her journey the speaker is young and ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Harbor Chemicals

Assignment 5 Sheet Harbour Chemicals Sheet Harbour Chemicals (SHC) manufactures chemicals used in the paint industry. The process involves three departments. Chemical A, which is purchased for $3 per liter, is processed through Department 1 in batches of 100 liters. Each batch of chemicals processed through Department A produces 70 liters of chemical B and 30 liters of chemical C. Chemical B is sold for $10 per liter. Chemical C is used in Department 2 to produce chemicals D, E, and F. Department 2 processes chemical C in batches of 200 liters.Each batch processed through Department B produces 100 liters of chemical D, 60 liters of chemical E, and 40 liters of chemical F. Chemical D is sold for $12 per liter. Chemical E is a waste product that is donated to the local municipality to be spread on gravel roads to keep down dust. Chemical F is a hazardous waste product that must be disposed of at a cost of $6 per liter. Alternatively, chemical F can be processed through Department 3 to produce chemical C. Department 3 processes chemical F in batches of 40 liters.For each batch of chemical F processed, 20 liters of chemical C are produced. In the past, this operation has had a tendency to build up stocks of chemical C. The maximum storage capactiy for chemical C is 1,000 liters. The accompanying diagram summarizes the production activities at SHC. The sales manager indicates that sales of chemical B cannot exceed 35,000 liters in the upcoming period, and sales of chemical D cannot exceed 10,000 liters. The production manager advises that 7,000 labor-hours are available for the upcoming period. Workers are paid $10 per hour worked.The production manager indicates that the labor-hours required for each batch in Departments 1,2, and 3 are 10, 15, and 10, respectively. Moreoever, because of constraints relating to the mixing vats and storage, the maximum number of batches in Departments 1, 2, and 3 are 600, 80, and 40, respectively. The estimated variable overhead cost s per batch in Departments 1, 2, and 3 are estimated as $250, $750, and $100. 2 Required: 1. Formulate an LP to determine the optimal production plan at SHC for the upcoming period. 2. Using Excel, solve the LP formulated in requirement 1 to determine the optimal plan.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Key Software Applications Essay

1. Identify the key software applications used by The Tea collection. †¢website for shopping online †¢design software †¢Geo-mapping to see where the market is not over saturated with children’s clothing †¢A back end tool for retailers to be place orders over the internet †¢Software that was created for the company is a tool bag in for retailers to make it easier for the ordering processing for the internet users. 2. How does the Geo-mapping software help the company grow? Explain how sales reps use the results of the Geo-mapping system. The Tea Collection plays a role for ensuring their survival and to promote competitive advantage. The customer service has been well improved and It helps the organization to prepare themselves so that they can work up to a level which will allow them to be on top, at the same time it shows how the markets that they have already targeted are operating. It uses the software to be able to sell their products online across the country. 3. What is the main technology challenge identified in the video? How would you suggest this challenge should be addressed? The main technology challenge identified in this video is the integration of the different computer systems, would suggest addressing this dispute by investing money in in-house training of the people working on integrating these systems. So that everyone in the company has the same knowledge consequently it will be easier to work together Moreover, on communication specialized employees whose task is the communication between the people working with those computer systems could enhance the working atmosphere as well as lower the time needed. It could be suggested to invest more money in technologies and also in research to figure out a better integration of the computer systems. This would result in less dependency on people and therefore. 4. Do you believe this company can continue to grow rapidly with the existing software and hardware they have demonstrated in this video? Why or why not? With the existing software that is available to them, the company has potential to grow. The Tea Company was able to expand its market due to the use of computer integrated systems. In an effort to expand the budding company they began using geographical mapping software to assist with sales,  and with collecting data for potential new markets. According to the information provided and considering the development of information technologies, the smaller companies like The Tea Collection could expand and grow rapidly. Their business would not be realizable and successful without technology; helps solve the problem by identifying the existing business processes, beginning with the complaint intake process and ending with the resolution of Market sales, and provided an overall of the existing CRM system based on the needs

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Starbucks Crisis Communication Plan Research Paper

Starbucks Crisis Communication Plan - Research Paper Example   The company's guiding philosophy will be to convey details as fast as probable and updating specifics regularly as conditions change. This is to make certain about the security of the Starbuck's society and the continuous operation of indispensable services and provisions. The company's efforts to be concurrently precise and quick may imply that several communications are imperfect. Starbuck's acknowledges this, understanding that how they communicate in an urgent situation or crisis will influence the public perceptions of the organization (Timothy, 2012). Openness and swiftness are the most effectual means to keep away from lasting harm to the establishment and extensive second-guessing by the community that anticipates instant access to precise information. A superior offense is the best protection. At the same instance, the company realizes that in a disaster, people will possibly anticipate Starbucks to have more details than they may essentially know. That makes it essentia l to communicating with precision concerning what they know and not to guess regarding details they do not recognize. The organization will employ numerous platforms to get to as many individuals as possible with precise, well-timed information. This is particularly significant in the initial hours and days of an urgent situation or an emergency. The company's objective is to be open, answerable and available to all audiences while as well being watchful of lawful and confidentiality concerns.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

IP2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

IP2 - Essay Example Yet another criterion of good decision making is based on the need to define the decision making process. This involves clarifying the technique of solving the problem and analyzing the extent in which the problem has been abstracted (Hurwitz & Hurwitz, 2015). Yet another criterion is that the judgment needs to be analyzed based on its faithfulness especially in terms of problem analysis. The decisions made must express the leader as a good decision maker that uses an objective method of making decisions (Peniwati, 2007). On the other hand, the leader must express fairness in the selection of the most appropriate alternatives prior to making the final decisions. In the realm of decision making, various assumptions are made (Martin & Parmar, 2012). Among the assumptions include assuming that women are weaker gender and that they cannot work in the same roles as the men in the office. This assumption then leads to the women being given inferior roles such as making coffee, or not employing them at all. Secondly, the assumptions made regarding age may be made. The boss may assume that the older population cannot grasp concepts on technology; thus, assume their contribution on matters of technology. Assumptions may also be made on the education levels of the staff. Some leaders may assume that persons that are not well learned cannot learn quickly; thus, assume their contribution in the organization. To test or confirm the credibility of these assumptions, I would assess various factors. For the assumption of the automobile that the demand for SUVs would continue because gas prices would continue to rise, I would assess the scientific practicality of the assumption in an attempt to assess if the assumption analyzed the problem in question. On the airlines assumption that there was a need for an airline that provided no added amenities, I would assess the practicality of the decisions made since

Monday, October 7, 2019

Public Policy and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public Policy and Education - Essay Example In the United States, education has been the responsibility of state governments, and local politics have a great deal to do with determining public policy. Even so, the federal government has recently intervened, and the state government bodies in some cases resent this intervention. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislature of 2001 initiated by President George W. Bush has created controversy in every area of educational public policy. Special interest groups and organizations are focusing on areas such as special education, literacy, teacher certification, religion, scientific research, and lack of funds, which means that those most influential in the field of education are presently acting as political lobbyists. With the growing intervention of the federal government in education, politics rises to the forefront, even more than it has in past years. In an effort to show how various factions of education influence public policy, this paper will cover the areas noted above, noting specific controversies. Two areas in which state education policies are quite different are in New York State and in California. Because of this, different methods of applying federal policies have been necessary. In New York State, the Education Department is under the control of the University of the State of New York (USNY). USNY is the most complete interconnected system of educational services in the United States. It is not the same as the State University of New York (SUNY), which is the State's system of public colleges and universities. The Board of Regents heads USNY and sets overall educational policy for the State. The Board appoints a Commissioner of Education who heads the State Education Department and also serves as the president of USNY (Mills, 2007). This system revolves around education as a separate entity, and this allows for more political freedom to make decisions. In California, the State Board of Education (SBE) is the governing and policy making body of the California Department of Education. Unlike the New York State system in which the Board of Regents appoints a Commissioner of Education, the Governor appoints the members of the SBE (California, 2007). In this process, politics determine changes in public policy. No Child Left Behind According to Christopher T. Cross (2004), the "evolution of the federal role in education is a study in American politics" (Chapter 1, p. 1). Special interest groups in the last part of the twentieth century have covered a broad range of interests-bilingual education, women's studies, African American studies, and prayer in the classroom, to name a few. At present, recognition of these issues has been incorporated into the NCLB law, which has been in effect since 2002. Cross believes that federal policy in education will have an increasing impact in the coming decades and calls for policymakers and practitioners to gain a better understanding of the history of U.S. education and the future role of a federal Department of Education. He covers 50 years of federal education policy in his book and discusses the most recent effort in this field-the No Child Left Behind law of 2001, which he considers the catalyst for change brought about in this country by "consistent

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Critical Approaches to Human Resource Management Essay

Critical Approaches to Human Resource Management - Essay Example Over the past decade, Boxall and Purcell (2011) posit that the worker engagement levels in the US have significantly fallen. As a result, a people strategy that is effective should be devised to stimulate high levels of engagement of employees in order to gain the much sort after competitive advantage in the most dynamic business environment to ever exist globally (Woods and West, 2010). Numerous studies have been conducted by dozens of firms and researchers with respect to the value of employee engagement (Holbeche and Springett, 2003). All these studies have employed varied research methods, employee engagement measures, in addition to the extensive variety of varied measures of financial and operational performance; yet they all lead to the same conclusion, that â€Å"employee engagement or disengagement has a huge impact on the financial performance of individual organisations, and in the aggregate, a significant impact on the performance of the U.S. economy as a whole† (S chaufeli, Bakker and Salanova, 2006:703) The Role of Engagement The global economy has been experiencing significant shifts in the past decade (Woods and West, 2010). ... Despite the fact that new strategies have been devised to respond to these shifts; Harter, Schmidt and Hayes (2002) believe that it is essential that the organisation’s success alongside the high performance of workers be maintained. According to Boxall, Purcell and Wright (2007), the key strategy to implement to ensure this is to introduce processes that measure and improve the work engagement of the employees. Past research has over and over again made known that employee engagement has powerful links with a number of success factors in business organisations, for instance (Holbeche and Springett, 2003): i. Employee productivity ii. Employee efficiency/performance iii. Employee safety iv. Employee attendance and retention v. Profitability vi. Customer loyalty and retention vii. Customer service and satisfaction Economic instabilities are on and off events and the way different business organisations react to these shifts in the economy determines or rather predict if the com pany will survive or how well it will succeed (Roberts and Davenport, 2002). Many organisations tend to focus less on management of their talent as well as on engaging their employees during periods of crisis and uncertain business forecasts and instead direct their efforts towards devising strategies to reduce costs incurred via slicing of bonuses, salaries, rewards, in addition to costs involving development of employees (Attridge, 2009). Furthermore, Redman and Wilkinson (2009) report that some leaders without an eye for the future may go to an extend of thinking that employee engagement is not important since their employees are left with few or no options and as a result they will stay put in the organisation due to their need for job security. On the other hand, smart leaders with